

Dear Friends;

Today, July 1, 2017, our country celebrates his 150 th year of becoming a Nation! I couldn’t be happier to hold my head high and proclaim that I am Canadian!


You will never get one solid answer on what it means to be Canadian. You will never get all people to agree on politics, race, religion, or social values.

Many will disagree with my post, but that is ok. They are allowed to. It’s part of being Canadian!

I celebrate today, who I am as a Canadian, and who we are as a Nation! I wouldn’t want to be from anywhere else!

We are a unique people, we Canadians! We don’t always proclaim patriotism or our greatness, but we feel it!

We may apologize a lot, watch too much hockey, be ridiculed for being too polite, and say “eh” a lot, but it shows our friendliness, our willingness to be caring, our compassion, and our desire to include others. I’ll gladly be a part of that!

CANADA is my birthplace! It’s the country I was educated in. It’s the country I was priveledged to grow up in. It has protected and fostered my values and beliefs, allowed me to be who I am, and allowed me to live my life with pride and dignity!

Are we perfect? Almost, but don’t tell anyone! Seriously, we have room to grow!

When I travel, I proudly proclaim my Canada as my birth place! No matter where I go, no matter how far, or for how long, Canada is, and always will be home!


Smile, welcome new Canadians, newcomers, and those who lived here for a long time!

Wear your red and white, wave that Maple Leaf, and know the world envies us!

Happy Canada Day!!!




2 thoughts on “CANADA DAY – 150!

  1. You are such a heartfelt writer Dan. That adorable little guy is so very fortunate to have an Uncle like Mr. Dan.

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